Monday, 21 June 2010


okay so someone on facebook just posted this status: 'you want to know how i realy feel? sometimes i want to cry because i know everyone hates me, i know im not pretty but why does everyone have to rub it in i wish i was prettyer. and right now im crying because of the stupid insugnificant thing people say about me because they realy hurt'

this almost brought me to tears. yeah i get shit for being a 'bigger' girl, but it is just horrible to think that someone is going through all this. you dont have to be popular to have feelings, everybody deserves a chance and i believe that whatever you look like, wherever you come from, and however popular you are, you should be given a chance to be yourself to let people know who you really are. im fed up of people bullying and people judging and yes, i have been judgmental in the past, but thats the past, i've grown up and looked past the immature brick wall which most people get stuck at.

but seriously, i do believe in karma. what goes around comes around - if you dish out shit, you deserve to get shit back.

and ellie goulding, i think your beautiful.

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